Hello everypawdy. Tia here with a pupdate. Today I have to tell you all about a wonderful new game I've learned to play with the hooman. It was so much fun, and a surprise too, as I really wasn't expecting to be playing games. The hooman let me out to play while she cleaned my kennel. I don't usually pay too much attention to this as I usually take myself off in the field to explore.
However, today curiosity lured me back to check what she was doing. She was having so much fun all by herself throwing snow around. It wasn't like the normal icy snow, but still looked a lot of fun so I joined in. I helped her to pull it out of the bag and rolled around in it.
The hooman being a spoilsport tried to end the game, and asked me to go out of the kennel. I really don't think it's fair she gets all the fun so I stayed. I shall be watching in future and every time I see her with the bag of snow I won't leave the kennel. Anyway - I must go as my Rodney is calling.
Love Tia ❤❤❤
To keep me in the delicious treats I so richly deserve, please consider donating generously to the German Shepherd Dog Welfare Fund. They not only rescued me (although ambushed is probably more accurate), they also continue to take good care of me and far too many other dogs!
[Editor's Note] I've just narrowly escaped being bitten on the bottom as Tia was vexed that no-one had sent her any problems to solve. I tried to explain that maybe, biting on the bottom isn't a solution to all of life's problems. So she bit on the bottom and ran away.
If you have a problem that requires a dog with a particular set of skills then email in to tiaspupdates@gmail.com. Tia does accept bribes, usually in the form of her favourite sausages, to satisfy this not-so-subtle hint please make a donation and make a note that it is for Tia's sausages.