Sunday 20 November 2022

100 Days with 100 Dogs: Day 75 - Meet 118 of the Dogs in our Care

We've reached the three-quarter mark of our journey of 100 Days with 100 Dogs and it's been an eventful one. Along the way we've tried to make the quarter completion stages and with this being the penultimate stage somebody had the bright idea of trying to show the context of what we're trying to achieve. At the start of the series we had 100 dogs, now we have over 120 and we've collated photos of 118 of them to assemble this video.

Each dog has 1.5 seconds as Debbie (our chairman) tells us each of their names. For each of those passing seconds, we have a hungry mouth to feed, a dog that might get sick and require veterinary treatment, a dog that's likely to need rehabilitation before it can be homed and of course, the daily care that we all know as fans of the breed requires considerable effort. We love the dogs passing through our care and we look after them as we would our own dogs. However, it's not hyperbole when we state that we are in crisis and need people to come forward to adopt and support us with donations.

We face a potentially grim future - the worst case of which would be us no longer being able to help vulnerable German Shepherds. It could be bleak, but we're still holding on and that isn't just down to our tenaciousness - it's thanks to the overwhelming generosity of our supporters. Time after time they step forwards and help us keep going. And this 100 Days series has also brought us new friends and also new more adopters. If we can build on that momentum then the future might not be so bleak.

There are so many ways people can help - the easiest starting with following and subscribing our page and channel and liking and sharing this post. We need so many shares that it makes the algorithm take notice of our posts and boosts them even further! If you're looking for other ways you can paint the future brighter then check out this massive list here:  

It truly is a long list and probably near impossible to manage them all, but there's sure to be at least one that suits your circumstances. Thank You!

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