Tuesday, 12 July 2022

Tia's Pupdates - Gotcha Day Tomorrow!

Hello everypawdy! Tia here with a really exciting pupdate. Can you believe that tomorrow is my first gotcha day? I will have been with Welfare for one year tomorrow. It seems such a long time ago that I ran loose in farmers' fields before the hooman trapped me, but in many ways, I remember the fear so vividly that it could have been yesterday. Anything could have happened to me, and even when I was trapped, I remained afraid, but this time of the unknown.

I needn’t have worried because I've settled really well here, and I've even made friends. Rodney is my best friend - although we don’t physically mix, we are neighbours and I cannot wait to get back to my kennel to be next to him. I did wonder why the hooman didn’t let us run together, but she said that it’s because she cannot put a collar or lead on Rodney yet, so if he tried to hurt me (although she thinks he is as besotted with me as I am with him) she would not be able to stop him without a lead.
She said it is called erring on the side of caution. It’s a shame she doesn’t err on the side of caution a bit more often as she is always getting things wrong!

I am still not too happy around people but the hooman says it takes as long as it takes. She said given the trauma I have been through she is not surprised.

To celebrate my gotcha day, I will be doing a live in the new Friends of GSD Welfare group. I am not sure what I am supposed to do, and strangely, the hooman looks a little bit uncomfortable with the idea as she said she never knows what I am going to do next. I don’t know why she doesn’t have faith in me. She said that I might possibly get some treats so I shall really look forward to that. Although, I have to tell you, she is one of those that breaks a treat in two and thinks I've been fooled into believing they're two treats. How stupid does she really think I am. She has promised me this won’t happen tomorrow though.

I really look forward to seeing you in my live tomorrow if you are a Friend of Welfare. Bye for now …. Rodney is calling me. Love Tia ❤❤❤

Discover how to become a Friend of GSD Welfare for only £3 per month  here: https://gsdwelfare.blogspot.com/p/become-friend-of-gsd-welfare.html

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