Saturday, 26 March 2022

Ask Tia - An Exciting New Thing!

Good morning everypawdy! Tia here, and not with my usual pupdate (although there'll still be pupdates), but with an exciting new thing - which I'm sure you'll all love. 

Recently I realised that the world isn't as bleak as it once seemed. My hooman and a nicer place to live (especially next to Rodney) has helped with that. After all, fine treats for tricks even a monkey could perform isn't too bad a deal. 

When watching mum, I see all she does for us, and the others here not through their own choosing and I thought - I can give back too. And when Rodney hears about what I'm doing he'll know that I'm not only pretty, but clever too. He'll love it, and then fall for me too!

So here I am - Auntie Tia. Not a real auntie of course, but just the dog you need if you have a problem you require help or advice with. I can help hoomans as well as dogs, and there's only the modest fee of chimkin and sosages. To fuel my brain's thinking - I'm sure you understand. Naturally, total discretion can be expected, which I why I'm doing it on the Internet.

So if you need my advice, or find out what I would do in your situation then you can email me at, or direct message me on any of our social media channels.

Our first question comes from Reggie, a male brindle English Bull Terrier. He needs help with prejudice openly expressed in the street at him. Poor thing.

"I luv walks. Ambling around the manor meeting geezers and gals - hoomans too - there's a bearded one in particular who's facial hair is fun to chew! In fact, after steel cages it's my favourite thing to chew. He's all right though, but some 'ov them cross the road, or cringe when I stroll past. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not a small lad and can be quite tasty if it comes to it, but I'm not against some old geezer just taking a stroll. That 'aint what I'm about. So Auntie Tia, how do I get these scared hoomans to realise that I 'aint coming for them?"

Well Reggie - first let me thank you for getting in touch, and secondly congratulate you for being the first in this new and very special series. It's quite the honour you know! I'm sorry to say that I've experienced similar behaviour in the past. It seems to me like some of them can't see past the breed, and blame the individual dog for another's mistakes, no matter how well behaved or friendly they are. Some of them even do it to other hoomans - some of them are just plain crazy.

As for a solution, it's a tricky one that will require careful diplomacy on your part. These hoomans don't really understand the world around them, and how everything fits together. At the next encounter approach the person slowly, you'll need to be patient and when I say slowly, I mean slower than the snail crossing the path. Once you're close enough, dash behind them and at full speed bite them on the bottom. Does your breed have a decent bite? You do look a bit small, but I'm sure it'll be sufficient for a wrinkly bum. Good luck.

Later that day.

Oops, mum just explained that not all scared people are lacking in comprehension, some have just had bad experiences themselves and so have good reason to be nervous with dogs. Did you hear that Reggie? You best check before the bottom biting. Reggie? Are you there?

Oh dear... I'm sure it'll be fine.

Bye for now. Love Tia 🐾🐾🐾

To help keep me in the treats I so deserve, please consider donating generously to the German Shepherd Dog Welfare Fund who rescued me, and now take good care of me.


  1. Tia, I can tell you will be so helpful to so many as an 'Agony' Aunt, although mummy may have to have a 'disclaimer' put on your page, cant wait to see what questions you get asked and your answers will be, I'll speak to Tasha and see if she has any issues she would like to run past you xx

    1. I'll add: "Legal Bum Protector - Tia is a trained professional, don't try any of her advice at home."

      I just have to do it when she's not looking, or it's bottom biting time :-)

  2. Oh Tia! I’m not really sure your mum would approve your bum biting advice πŸ˜‚

    1. I suspect she's going to have to get used to it :-)
